UnionX Intelligence

UnionX Intelligence is a dedicated online toolkit to scale membership development, support membership recruitment and manage employer organizing activities. Functions include:

Manage Membership Development

Manage member and employer data, segment lists, maintain detailed notes, generate reports and introduce streamlined processes for membership development.  Experience improved efficiency and streamlined processes for new member sign up, scalable membership development and detailed export of compliance data for labour board applications and other use cases.

Web Form, Digital Signatures & Payment Portal

Automate and digitize processes with online membership cards, digital signatures and payment integration. A secure mobile and web form allows prospective members to digitally sign cards, confirm compliance and pay fees from their mobile phone or computer.


Simple export and detailed reporting to meet compliance requirements. Identify key opportunities and get business intelligence for organizing and recruitment efforts with UnionX Intelligence.


Seamless integration into UnionX Membership and custom API integrations for other business systems.

UnionX Solutions

LegacyX has worked closely with Unions and Membership organizations for over a decade. Management and administrators of these organizations serve a broad set of demands and continuously need to achieve internal operating efficiencies, deepen member engagement and offer continued value through training, certifications and benefits. Having the right systems and processes supported by technology is paramount to providing an exponentially better experience for their membership and securing the organization’s competitive edge in labour markets.

Launching the UnionX brand, LegacyX has leveraged its experience developing multiple applications, business process automation and by providing ongoing technology support collaboratively with key Union stakeholders. UnionX is the creation of a unique and comprehensive set of technology solutions for the modern Union. For the organizations that subscribe to UnionX , they gain access to technology and team to transform the way work is executed, deepen member engagement, operate more efficiently and manage operations more effectively.